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Parent Participation

To help support a better nutritional program for our children by preparing and serving fresh foods. This is an expensive endeavor as most all schools have their lunches brought in premade and cold. But this is where the parents are a great resource for providing fresh hot food. We only employ 1 cafeteria person and make up the rest of the help needed with parents or family members volunteers who have the time during the day. Parents can feel like part of their child’s school day and bond with other parents to make this a strong school community.

For parents who work and cannot come to campus we offer a specific list of items that can be purchased for hours. The items are specifically chosen based on the needs of the school what we have room to store with our limited kitchen space. No substitutions of items will be accepted for credit.

Explanation of Hours:

Parents are expected to complete 10 hours of parent participation for cafeteria. Any incomplete hours will be bill to your FACTS account at the end of your child’s designated month. If you have multiple children, it will be billed at the end of the last child’s month at a rate of $25 an hour.

The remaining 10 hours must be completed by the end April 2024. Again, if you do not want to purchase items or work in the cafeteria you may pay the Fee of $500 up front. Just let us know and we will add it to your FACTS account with a due date of September 1st, 2024.

We ask that when you participate in these school programs do so with a respect for our school and all the families that make up our community. Please do not use this time for negative feedback to others.